You are here: Symbol Reference > Dew Namespace > Dew.Math Namespace > Dew.Math.Units Namespace > Classes > Optimization Class > Optimization Methods > TrustRegion Method > Optimization.TrustRegion Method (TVectorFunction, TJacobianFunction, [In] TVec, [In] TVec, [In] TVec, [In] TVec, [In] double[], [In] object[], int, int, [In] double[], double, out TOptStopReason, [In] TOptControl)
Dew Math for .NET
Optimization.TrustRegion Method (TVectorFunction, TJacobianFunction, [In] TVec, [In] TVec, [In] TVec, [In] TVec, [In] double[], [In] object[], int, int, [In] double[], double, out TOptStopReason, [In] TOptControl)

Trust region algorithm to find bounded minimum of vector function.

Visual Basic
public static int TrustRegion(TVectorFunction Fun, TJacobianFunction JacProc, [In] TVec X, [In] TVec Y, [In] TVec LB, [In] TVec UB, [In] double[] Consts, [In] object[] OConsts, int MaxIter, int MaxTrialIter, [In] double[] EPSArray, double Rs, out TOptStopReason StopReason, [In] TOptControl Control);

Additional parameters LB and UB define x lower and/or upper bounds.

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